Interview with Karin Schranz-Klippl: How the multi-tasking mom masters her stressful everyday life
Fitness, TLL LongevityLabsMany women know the problem: balancing family and career without losing sight of yourself. Not the easiest situation and often fraught with a lot of stress, appointments and pressure. Today we're asking Karin Schranz-Klippl, who not only looks after many mothers through her jobs as a holistic health coach, author, presenter, model and, last but not least, as a baby massage and yoga trainer, but is also a mother of 3 children and a dog mom herself, how she copes with her everyday life.
Karin, you are a mother of three wonderful children. How do you manage to take care of yourself in a stressful everyday life?
That's not always easy, but at the same time, that's exactly why I've learned to consciously plan little breaks for myself. Ultimately, that benefits everyone!
I am very organized and disciplined and make sure that I get enough sleep, plan my exercise sessions, what I eat and who I spend my time with. Of course, I sometimes manage to do this very well and sometimes not so well. I work hard on my mindset and with positive affirmations, have a vision board and am incredibly grateful for my life and especially for my children. I love going for walks in nature with my dog and have designed my new home so that I feel very comfortable there and can switch off well.
Is there something in your lifestyle that you would recommend to all moms and that is an absolute game-changer for you?
Consciously throw old negative beliefs overboard and always listen to your gut feeling! You are the experts for your child and, above all, for your own beautiful life!
How did you discover spermidineLIFE® and what makes us special for you?
Good question, I think through social media. I have "always" taken nutritional supplements, but after I was able to test spermidine LIFE®, I noticed an incredible difference! I had more energy, felt more refreshed and my body somehow recovered faster.
Longevity Labs+ is modern, scientifically based, from Austria, customer-oriented, appreciative and it is simply fun to work with you and the products are addictive in a positive sense!
Why did you choose spermidineLIFE® and not another manufacturer?
There was never an alternative for me ;)
The spermidineLIFE® products are made in Austria, tested (Novel Food), the price is fair, the delivery works perfectly and the effects convinced me from the very beginning!
If you had one wish for a fulfilling aging, what would you wish for?
I want to stay physically and mentally active and look back happily on my fulfilled life, surrounded by my loved ones!
More about Karin Schranz-Klippl can be found at www.wunschtraummuschel.at