Novel Food: Discover what's new in the world of nutrition
TLL LongevityLabsIn today's fast-paced world, it's important that we keep up with new developments in nutrition and health. One of the most exciting topics in this area is "Novel Food". But what exactly is behind this term? Let's dive in and learn more about it!
What is Novel Food?
Novel Food stands for "novel food" and describes food or ingredients that were not consumed in this form in Europe before the year 1997. These can be exotic fruits, novel plant extracts, or foods derived from newly discovered sources. The main objective of the Novel Food Regulation is to allow consumers to have access to new, innovative and safe foods, while ensuring health and safety.
Why is novel food approval important?
There are several reasons. Here are a few.
- Protection of consumers:
The EU is committed to ensuring the safety of foods that are placed on the market. Through testing of novel foods, potential risks to the health of consumers can be identified and avoided.
- Promoting innovation:
Novel Food approval allows novel and innovative foods to enter the EU market. This promotes competition and supports manufacturing in the introduction of new and health-promoting products.
- Regulatory compliance:
Novel Food approval ensures that manufacturers seeking this approval comply with the applicable regulations. This strengthens confidence in products with approval and is intended to protect against unfair competition.
What are the requirements for a product to receive Novel Food approval?
To obtain Novel Food approval in the European Union, food producers must meet certain requirements and conduct a comprehensive safety assessment. The main requirements are:
- Novelty: The food or ingredient must not have been used for human consumption on a significant scale in the EU before May 15, 1997.
- Food safety: Manufacturers must demonstrate that the new food is safe for human consumption. A thorough risk assessment is required.
- Consumer intake: Manufacturers must ensure that the food is safe to consume at this level.
- Toxicological information: Manufacturers must provide toxicological data to demonstrate the safety of the product.
Novel food approval is a complex process that requires close collaboration between the food manufacturer and EU competent authorities. The submission of a complete dossier with comprehensive data and information is crucial to obtain a successful approval.
spermidineLIFE®: A Novel Food Certification Success Story
The spermidineLIFE® products are not without reason the only spermidine products in the world with Novel Food approval. This is because they are based on extensive scientific research and have been carefully developed in collaboration with the University of Graz to ensure the best possible quality and efficacy. The products are manufactured in Austria (Graz) using a specially developed extraction process and are subjected to several quality tests before being delivered to customers worldwide.
Novel Food offers us the opportunity to enrich our diet with novel and innovative foods. The spermidineLIFE® products are an excellent example of a novel food that has received Novel Food approval.
Discover what's new in the world of nutrition and integrate spermidineLIFE® products into your daily routine.1