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Zelle Innenansicht

What is spermidine?

Spermidine is a natural polyamine that is found in almost every cell in the body. Spermidine activates cell renewal and thus ensures the maintenance of cell health. With increasing age, the level of spermidine in the body decreases, causing cells to become slow. With our spermidineLIFE® product range, you can counteract this decrease in spermidine levels. Based on years of research into cell ageing and autophagy, our unique spermidine-rich wheat germ extract was developed in close collaboration with scientists at the University of Graz.

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What is autophagy?
The body's own process of autophagy (ancient Greek for "self - (auto) eating (phagein)") is a kind of recycling process of the cells, in which the cells break down damaged or unusable cell components and generate energy from them.
Damaged cellular components contribute significantly to the development of age-related diseases. By recycling the old cellular components, cellular metabolism is promoted and the cell is kept young and healthy. Functioning autophagy is therefore essential for protection against disease.
Autophagy in the cell can be stimulated by fasting, exercise and certain substances. In view of this medical relevance, the Japanese Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 for advances in the elucidation of autophagy.
Are there any known side effects from ingesting spermidine?
Currently, there are no known side effects from ingesting spermidine. This is because spermidine is not only absorbed through daily food, but our body itself produces spermidine.
What are distinguishing features of spermidineLIFE® Original 365+ from other products on the market?
spermidineLIFE® Original 365+ contains a new type of wheat germ extract, which differs significantly from other spermidine products on the market (in liquid and dry form) due to the focus on spermidine enrichment in the newly developed extraction process. The special process for spermidine enrichment was developed in years of cooperation between researchers from the University of Graz and experts from our company. This special extraction process has made the targeted enrichment of spermidine in the extract possible in the first place. For the approval of the resulting products, such as spermidineLIFE®, the "Novel-Food Approval" of the AGES (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety) and the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) was applied for and approved. It should be noted that we attach great importance to the highest quality standards, which is why the wheat germ extract is produced in our own production in Austria.


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