Hannes Androsch invests in Longevity Labs
Corporate,Press, TLL LongevityLabsPicture from left to right: Herbert Pock, Frank Madeo, Hannes Androsch, Gerald Sitte
The active ingredient spermidine is regarded as the key in slowing down “cell aging” and preventing age-related diseases. With spermidineLIFE®, developed in cooperation between the Karl-Franzens-University Graz and the health start-up Longevity Labs, a highly dosed spermidine product is being launched for the first time worldwide. Dr. Hannes Androsch has been already won as an investor.
Vienna, May 15, 2019: In old age, our body loses the ability to regenerate itself. Cell components die and weaken the cells. But this process can be influenced! The key to slowing down “cell aging” lies in the ability of cells to process and recycle their old cell components and thus remain youthful and healthy – this process is called “autophagy”. Until now, fasting has been regarded as the most efficient method of triggering autophagy. A research group led by the molecular biologist Prof. Dr. Frank Madeo at the Karl Franzens University Graz, found out over many years of research that this effect can also be triggered by a substance occurring in the human body – called “spermidine”. Meanwhile, around 80 research teams worldwide are looking into spermidine and studies are showing promising results, including a long-term study from Southern Tyrol: Higher spermidine consumption over a long period (20 years) correlated with reduced mortality and a five-year longer life expectancy (1). Prof. Madeo’s research shows an identical picture: “We were able to prove that spermidine also triggers an anti-aging effect in humans. Those who consume enough spermidine may thus extend their healthy lifespan,” says Madeo.
Made in Graz: Development for the Global Market
Unfortunately, with increasing age, the natural spermidine levels present in the human body and thus the self-purifying power of the cells decrease. Therefore, a method has been developed to extract spermidine from plants (wheat germ) and make it available to humans as a dietary supplement. The result is now available in the form of the product spermidineLIFE®. The “wheat germ extract with high spermidine content”, spermidineLIFE®, is the world’s first 100% natural product that can activate the process of autophagy due to the contained spermidine. spermidineLIFE® is manufactured by the Styrian health start-up Longevity Labs, founded in 2016 as a spin-off of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz and managed by DI Herbert Pock and Dr. Gerald Sitte, with headquarters and production facilities in Graz. “Today we know how our body cleanses and protects itself from cell damage. Taking into account decades of scientific and medical research, we have succeeded in developing the first natural product with spermidineLIFE® that can activate the process of autophagy in our cells. Thus, we offer a revolutionary way to support the self-renewal of cells, practically speaking cellular “anti-aging” through spermidine. Our product is a completely natural, spermidine-rich wheat germ extract. The European Food and Safety Authority(EFSA) has approved spermidineLIFE® as “Novel-Food”. It has also been evaluated in a clinical study by independent physicians and scientists for effectiveness and safety”, says Sitte.
The idea also convinced industrialist Hannes Androsch (81), who is heavily investing in Longevity Labs. “Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s – if one can alleviate, prevent or delay this, then it would be a huge gain in quality of life – combining a prolongued life span and a healthy living,” said Androsch explaining the motive for his investment, which now gives him a 51 percent high stake in the company.
Clinical study of the Charité in Berlin
A study at the Charité in Berlin is currently investigating the influence of Longevity Labs’ spermidine-rich wheat germ extract (spermidineLIFE® was used) on the learning ability and memory of older people who suffer from dementia. Initial results show that Longevity Labs’ spermidine-rich plant extract can improve memory performance in people at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. The cognitive performance of the study’s participants who took the spermidine-rich plant extract was demonstrably improved in the course of the trial. In comparison, the placebo control group showed no changes in memory performance. (2)
Health benefits are far-reaching
The efficacy of spermidine was proven about 10 years ago by Prof. Madeo and since then a rapidly growin number of scientists have been investigating the health effects and benefits of spermidine. On a near monthly bases, new findings are published and still the comprehensive health benefits cannot yet be fully assessed. Initial laboratory results show that spermidine can help prevent a variety of diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases (dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s). “Our work is deeply rooted in science and we invest a great deal in research. Only recently, preclinical tests have shown that spermidine has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. On this basis, we are planning our next clinical study. We are happy and grateful that, as such a young Austrian company, we are attracting worldwide attention and that we can make a contribution to a long and healthy life,” said Pock.
Vedran Bijelac
Director Sales & Marketing