Thank you, dear day
Soul, TLL LongevityLabsMindfulness is on everyone’s lips – and we are also talking about it today. Especially in times of crisis, it is the little things that count. We have a simple tip on how to give them more importance again – page by page.
Not only a balanced diet, exercise, enough fluids and substances such as spermidine can help us feel young and vital. Also the soul needs to be fed. And there is a wonderful supplement that is good for us all round. It’s called diary.
Dear diary…
Especially in the last weeks it often was difficult to keep a good balance in our lives. Most of us know the feeling we are talking about: every day felt like a sunday, you don’t even know what day it is. Sometimes you can hardly get out of your sweatpants and caertainly not in an active mood. Of course, there are also those who are suddenly happy about their legendary muscle build-up, who have an apartment that has never been so clean, who have learned three foreign languages, and who suddenly have perfect yoga skills although no one new that they have ever done yoga before. But honestly: These big “winners” of the Corona crisis … there isn’t too many of them. Many people have been bored, others are lonely or maybe in a depressive mood from time to time.
We are used to talking to friends, relatives and colleagues on a regular basis. Many moments of happiness come from meeting other people we have grown fond of. How can one feed the soul now, when one spends so much time alone and feels like nothing is happening?
Very simple: change your perspective – and focus on the parts of your life where beautiful things happen – even during a crisis. This can be within your own four walls, it can be during a walk or in a video call with people you are grateful for. You just have to pay attention to those seemingly little things and direct your attention to them.
It would be easier for sure to whine about the things we don’t do and the things that didn’t work out as planned. But we all know that there’s no point in that. Why don’t we try something else? I’m sure we all have an empty notebook somewhere in our home. From now on that will be our mindfulness journal. A diary in which we only write down the beautiful things. The things that bring joy or just things, people, feelings or circumstance which we are grateful for in that particular moment. In this book there is no room for negative thoughts. The diary is dedicated for the good things that happen in our daily life. Now sit down and think: Think of five things that made you smile today. A lot comes to mind quickly. Here are just a few examples: The tree across the street is starting to bloom. The coffee in the morning has cheered me up. I spoke to a good friend on the phone. I put on a t-shirt that I had already forgotten about. I cooked a special meal for myself. The neighbour baked a cake for me. I discovered a new recipe. I met a friend by accident. The man at the supermarket was so friendly. There are so many beautiful, little things every day we can be thankful for – we just have to look a bit closer sometimes.
What is the point of this mindfulness diary?
One benefit of writing a mindfulness diary is that it helps us to focus on the positive things in life, instead of the negative ones, or the ones that annoy us. Furthermore, it makes us pay attention to little things that we would otherwise probably forget about pretty fast. After a while we will get used to our “change of focus” and think more positively overall. And since life is always as beautiful as we believe it is, it can thus be perceived as much more enjoyable. Another beautiful thing: when you read the diary entries a few years later, you will remember a lot of things you might have already forgotten about, like your first encounter with a special person. Who knows what else will be written down in this diary. But let’s start with this one: Dear day, thank you! For what? Think about it right away…