• spermidineLIFE-pro-plus

    spermidineLIFE® Pro+

    spermidineLIFE® Pro+

    Regular price € 179,00
    Regular price Sale price € 179,00
    Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

    Laboratory-approved quality. Clinically tested.

    • Drinking cure with 6 mg spermidine and other valuable ingredients such as spermine, vitamins and minerals
    • Intensive cell renewal¹ with the highest available dosage according to the EU Novel Food approval
    • Daily support with the spermidineLIFE® Pro+ program providing many tips and insights on cell renewal, autophagy and longevity topics

    Cell renewal for

    Ab 3 Packungen -5% Rabatt

    Ab 6 Packungen -8% Rabatt

    How does our subscription work?
    With our spermidineLIFE® subscription you will receive your order regularly and automatically delivered to you every 28 days.

    How long does the subscription run for?
    You can change or cancel your subscription at any time.

    • Natural spermidine

    • Clinically tested²

    • Made in Austria

    » Product information
    • ★★★★☆
      Cell renewal sip by sip

      spermidineLIFE® Boost+

      From € 80,10

      Order now
    • ★★★★☆
      Energy directly from your cells

      nadLIFE® Energy+

      From € 53,10,-

      Order now
    • ★★★★☆
      For strong immune cells

      spermidineLIFE® Immunity+

      From € 71,10

      Order now

    More information about spermidine and Longevtiy Labs+

    Zelle Innenansicht

    The miracle of the cell

    There are cells everywhere in our body whose functionality is essential for our general state of health. They are the smallest unit of life, but play a major role in the human body, as a large number of vital processes take place in them.

    They store certain substances, such as oxygen, and release them again when required. They also carry out their own metabolic processes to generate energy. The small power plants of our cells, the mitochondria, utilize the energy obtained from food in the blood and provide it to our body when needed. In addition, they can divide, communicate with each other and send vital signals to other cells and organs.

    Zellen blau

    Autophagy - the cells own cleaning process

    Autophagy is a natural cleaning process within our cells. It acts like a waste disposal system that eliminates damaged cell components - essentially "cellular waste" - to maintain cell health and conserve energy. This process helps in keeping our body young and functional while potentially protecting us from diseases.

    Our spermidineLIFE® products have been specially developed to support autophagy.¹


    Spermidine - the polyamine with potential

    Spermidine is a natural polyamine present in all of our cells and plays an essential role in the process of cell renewal. With increasing age, however, the spermidine content in your body cells decreases.


    100% natural spermidine in all spermidineLIFE® products

    Not all spermidine is the same! Since the first research results were published, the spermidine market has been growing rapidly. However, only a few manufacturers produce natural spermidine that is approved for human consumption.

    spermidineLIFE® is the only spermidine product in the world that has been tested for safety and tolerability by Charité Berlin. It has also been recognized as a "Novel Food" by the AGES (Austrian Agency for Food Safety) and EFSA (European Food and Safety Authority), indicating its high quality and safety.

    We use 100% natural spermidine, which is extracted from wheat germ. For this purpose, we have developed a special extraction process in collaboration with the University of Graz.

    Customer testimonials about spermidineLIFE®

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