Young on the road - so you are guaranteed not to look old on vacation
Soul, TLL LongevityLabsVacation should be the best time of the year. Just doing nothing, enjoying the sun and swimming, eating really well and not thinking about work. But even on vacation there are some things that can have a negative effect on your relaxation.
Vacation and stress? These two words don't go together at all, do they? But even if we don't want to admit it - vacation can also become quite a stressful affair. We've put together a list of things that can make a vacation stressful - and give you tips on how to prevent it all. Here come our top ten for stress-free vacations!
- Preparation is everything
Last minute sounds super flexible, cool and spontaneous, but it also brings a lot of stress. That's why: plan enough time to properly prepare for your vacation.
- Lists, lists, lists
Sounds stuffy, but it's extremely helpful: simply create lists with to-do's, clothing lists, lists with cosmetic products, the travel pharmacy. And very important: Check off when something is in the suitcase.
- Less is more
Do you really need 5 pairs of shorts or are only 3 enough? The more you have with you, the more you have to carry, search... Often it is nice not to have to bother with the agony of choice on vacation.
- The day before
The evening before departure, check everything again. Valid passport, documents, travel documents - just have everything ready so that there are no stressful situations when you leave. Also the apartment should be prepared in time for the departure: Lower the blinds, take out the trash, unplug appliances....
- And the kids?
There are few things more stressful than a repetitive "Mom, Dad, I'm bored!" while traveling. Think about how you can keep your offspring occupied in an age-appropriate way. You should also have enough materials with you for vacations.
- Just in case
What if something should happen on vacation and you have to go to the doctor or even to the hospital? Of course, something like that happens very rarely. But for the good feeling it's pretty great if you know where you can theoretically go. So just research it beforehand, print it out and pack it.
- UV = wow?
UV rays make for a nice tan, but in excess they not only stress the skin, but also us. After all, who wants to a) lie bright red in the room or b) bring back unsightly pigment spots or wrinkles from vacation? Therefore, apply cream first thing in the morning, reapply regularly and simply stay in the shade for a while.
- Dear belly...
What is clear: You are allowed to treat yourself on vacation. An ice cream on the beach, chips in between, the large seafood plate in the evening... Just remember: Large, heavy meals burden the organism unnecessarily. Rather, switch to several small, light meals. And anyway, fresh berries, cool watermelon slices or a soda lemon do better than bulky iced coffees and fried foods.
- Leave work at home
Think you're indispensable? If you are constantly available to check your mails or even answer them even on vacation, you can hardly create moments of relaxation. But these are especially important for your motivation, performance and health.
- Enjoy!
Sounds strange at first, but sometimes it's not that easy: Remind yourself again and again that you are on vacation. Consciously enjoy being allowed to sleep in, consciously enjoy having someone else cook for you, or simply enjoy looking at the water or the landscape. And park your cell phone far away!