Question: What is the CelVio Complex all about?
Science, TLL LongevityLabsThe CelVio Complex is the heart of our spermidineLIFE®️ innovations. Cel is for “Cella” (the cell) and Vio for “going or traveling” meaning the path or life cycle of the cell. But what is so special about our CelVio Complex?
The unique feature of the CelVio Complex is its content of 100 % natural spermidine which accounts for the complex overall effect of the plant extract. In our production we rely on pure nature, from the beginning to the end. The wheat germs are processed WITHOUT adding ANY artificial spermidine.
The natural spermidine that can be found in the wheat germ is carefully extracted from the germ and concentrated to produce our unique extract. For us, this is particularly important because we believe in products which are 100 % natural to avoid putting our highly sensitive bodies at risk. Artificial spermidine as used by some of our competitors for producing spermidine powder is NOT approved for food use. And that for good reason. As artificial spermidine is NOT yet tested for safety and tolerability, there is still a lot to study and find out about this substance.
spermidineLIFE® is the only spermidine product on the global market which has already been used in the available dosage and concentration as a medication in clinical trials on human beings and the university hospital Charité Universitätsmedizin in Berlin has confirmed its safety and tolerability. The Austrian AGES (Agency for food safety) and the European EFSA (European Food and Safety Agency) have classified spermidineLIFE® as “Novel-Food” in a complex classification process. These publicly available documents state that the spermidine concentration of the CelVio Complexes that we have developed is limited to 2.4 mg of spermidine per gram of wheat germ extract by the EFSA. And we are very careful to comply with this provision because our main priority is the safety and tolerability of our products and, of course, the health of our customers.
Since natural spermidine is very fragile, we have cooperated with the University of Graz over several years to develop our extremely gentle extraction process which helps us obtaining our unique CelVio Complex here in Graz. The wheat germ cultivated in our region undergoes a very strict quality assurance process and is sent to independent bodies to test its spermidine content and microbiological composition. This is very important because we use absolutely no synthetic spermidine in our entire production process the way our competitors do, but we only extract and concentrate the natural spermidine that occurs in wheat germ. Our technology to leach polyamine structures and polyamine chains out of the complex to produce our extract works without any chemical solvents.
The fluid extract obtained in the process is purely based on all natural wheat germs and contains natural, highly concentrated spermidine as well as a number of other natural substances such as spermine, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals in their natural complex just as it is given by nature. All spermidineLIFE® products contain the CelVio Complex.
We rely on the competent expert advice of our top-notch advisory council on any scientific matter in the development of our product line.